Well if you haven’t heard already I had a bit of an accident this past weekend. While attempting to burn some brush I inadvertently burned both my face and hand (1st and second degree burns respectively). It’s funny what goes through your mind when put in such a position. For example, as soon as I bent down and clicked my lighter to ignite the gasoline soaked pile of brush, the only thing that went through my head was “Oh no…I’m down wind…”
A millisecond after the flame came out the end of the lighter I was engulfed in flames and instinctively rolling on the lawn to put myself out.
So that being said I have the next 10 days off work (with note) and I have to have my burn dressings changed twice a day (incredible inconvenience). I have quite a few blisters on my hand and the doctor tells me to expect quite a bit of pain as my nerves “reactivate”. To make a long story short, my one handed typing is very inconvenient and becoming painful.
I can’t help but think that had I been more seriously injured I probably would not be able to tell this story. I’m bound to have a nasty scar on my left hand but perhaps it will be a constant reminder of how lucky I am in life.