Category: News

Draft Special Publication 800-101, Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics

The draft NIST Special Publication 800-101, Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics, is available for public comment. The guide outlines general principles and provides technical information intended to aid organizations evolve appropriate policies and procedures for preserving, acquiring, and examining digital evidence found on cell phones. Computer forensic specialists and members of the law enforcement community are encouraged to provide feedback on all or part of the document.

NIST requests submission of public comments on the draft on or before September 29, 2006. Comments may be sent to

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Metasploit MS06-040 Demo

Didier Stevens needed to convince someone that patching Windows is necessary. That’s why he made him a short video clip where he uses Metasploit 2.6 to exploit vulnerability MS06-040 on a Windows 2000 SP4 server.

Didier creates a remote shell on the attacked server, connects to it and changes the administrators password to Hacked.

The Metasploit web interface is used to create a higher visual impact.

How To Install VMware Server On Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake)

Installing VMware Server on Ubuntu is one of the most complicated and difficult tasks on the planet (well not really but it’s a pain in the ass). Here is a good article to bookmark to help you (and me) through the process.

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