Category: News

NGINX adds commercial edition

nginx_200According to GigaOm, the NGINX web server, which has been adopted by a growing number of users and currently challenges Microsoft for the number two spot, is now going commercial with a new NGINX Plus release. “The commercial version wraps new features including advanced monitoring, application health checks and dynamic configuration and management around a Service Level Agreement” said Nginx Inc. CEO Gus Robertson.

Though GigaOm reports that the price for the new offering is a surprisingly high $1,350 per instance per month, the NGINX website tells a different story. As you can see from the NGINX Plus page the price of the new edition is $1,350 per year for standard support and $2,700 per year for premium support.

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In my opinion, this was an inevitable move for the company. NGINX raised its first $3m round in 2011 from, Runa Capital, and MSD Capital and investors eventually want to see some ROI (I know, right?). I mean Netcraft rankings are good and all, but it doesn’t put money back into the VC pockets.

If you do not have anything intelligent to say…

My mother always told me that if I “didn’t have anything nice to say” that it was better to say nothing at all. The same can be said about outlandish and unintelligent claims.

Case in point, Kim Schmitz (whom I refuse to refer to as Kim Dotcom because, frankly, it’s stupid) on his launch of “Mega”:

“Mega doesn’t use any existing technology. The servers were built from the ground up so there is no way that they can be exploited because it’s our own technology.” Additionally, Kim said that “everyone involved in building the site has a background in information security” which meant a lot of care had gone into building security in from the start.

Really? It doesn’t use “existing technology”? There is “no way that they can be exploited”?

Sorry mom, I couldn’t help myself.

Blackhatonomics: An Inside Look at the Economics of Cybercrime – NOW AVAILABLE!

After quite a bit of work by Will Gragido, Daniel Molina, John Pirc, and Nick Selby the Blackhatonomics book is finally out. I was asked to serve as technical editor for this book though, I admit, the work required little editing.

About the book:

728670Blackhatonomics explains the basic economic truths of the underworld of hacking, and why people devote hours to develop malware around the world. The root cause analysis of the monetization of cybersecurity in the inner circle of cybercrime is analyzed from the impact of multiple. Written by an exceptional author team, they take practical academic principles back them up with use cases and extensive interviews, placing you right into the mindset of the cyber criminal.

Congrats to the authors and buy it here.

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